The top salary range for this position currently reaches $125,663.64, PLUS, an excellent benefits package! The position will receive a 6.0% salary increase in July 2025 and July 2026; bringing the top step salary to $141,195.72.
Under supervision, the Firefighter/Paramedic will respond to fire alarms and other emergencies; render basic and advanced life support services, maintain equipment and quarters; and perform other related duties as required.
Supervision Received And Exercised
Supervision is provided by a Fire Captain.
Essential Job Functions
Essential job functions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (These functions may not be present in all positions in this classification. When a position is filled, the essential functions will be noted in the announcement of position availability. Management reserves the right to add, modify, change, or rescind work assignments as needed.)
Respond to medical emergencies; conduct or assist in extrication of trapped persons; perform primary and secondary physical assessment of ill or injured persons; perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation; maintain an effective airway for patients with compromised breathing; immobilize injured limbs and spinal vertebra where injury is suspected; and control bleeding of external injuries. Assist with emergency childbirth; provide emotional support to distressed persons; administer oxygen to support respiratory functions; utilize adjunctive ventilation device, such as endotracheal tubes; apply and utilize pneumatic anti-shock garments; and analyze electrocardiograms and recognize cardiac arrhythmias. Administer medications, by intravenous, intramuscular or topical means; perform electrical defibrillation; operate radiotelephone equipment and communicate medical information to base hospital medical personnel and others; and serve as a preceptor for paramedic and emergency medical technician trainees; compile necessary reports and records and drive an ambulance vehicle.
Extend and operate firehose in training and fire suppression situations; place, raise, lower and climb ladders in training, fire suppression and rescue situations; assist in salvage of property and contents of occupancies affected by or threatened by fire, smoke, or water damage; and assist in extinguishment and overhaul of fires. Clean, test and maintain fire apparatus, fire hoses, and related equipment; clean and maintain fire station facilities; conduct fire prevention inspections and public fire safety education programs; participate in and contribute to drills, training exercises and other related fire prevention activities; maintain current knowledge of fire department rules and regulations, fire hazards, fire suppression strategies and techniques, and related subjects; subject to recall during emergencies and non-emergency times during off-duty hours.
Qualification Guidelines
Education And/or Experience
To qualify for this classification, an individual must possess any combination of experience and education that would likely produce the required knowledge and abilities, and enable the individual to successfully perform the essential job functions of the position. A typical combination is:
Graduation from high school or attainment of GED or CHSPE certificate is required, California State Basic Fire Academy graduate. Completion of a certified paramedic program is required. Within three (3) months of appointment, employee must be accredited by Los Angeles County. Ability to obtain a firefighter “F” endorsement to drive and operate all emergency fire department apparatus within the first year of employment and to maintain a valid driver’s license with firefighter “F” endorsement are required as conditions of employment. Applicant must be 18 years of age at time of appointment. A California State Firefighter I certificate, at the time of application is highly desirable.
Medical Standards
Must be capable of meeting pre-employment physical standards required for the position. Applicants must be in good physical condition as determined by a City administered medical examination, with weight in proportion to height, far visual acuity shall be at least 20/30 binocular corrected with contact lenses or spectacles, and uncorrected shall be at least 20/100 binocular for wearers of hard contacts or spectacles. Successful long-term soft contact lens wearers shall not be subject to uncorrected criterion. Peripheral visual field performance without correction shall be 140 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye. Color vision must be adequate to identify red, green, and yellow colors. Hearing deficit in the pure tone thresholds must be no greater than 25db in three of four frequencies, 30db in one of three frequencies, and have an average greater than 30db for four frequencies. Frequencies related to hearing test, 500hz, 1000hz, 2000hz, and 3000hz.
Knowledge Of
Mechanical principles, mathematics, and elementary physics and chemistry, city geography and street layout.
Ability To
Learn modern, approved principles, practices, and procedures of firefighting, including applied hydraulics; learn the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment; use arithmetic and develop manual and physical dexterity; perform prolonged and arduous work under adverse conditions; react quickly and calmly in emergency situations; read, understand, and interpret technical writings, municipal codes and similar documents; follow oral and written directions accurately and completely, use independent judgment and maintain courteous relationships with fellow workers and with the general public.
Licenses and Certificates
A current and valid Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) passage certificate is required. Possession of and ability to maintain the following: A valid Class “C” California Driver’s License and a valid State of California Paramedic License are required as conditions of employment. A Firefighter I Certificate is highly desirable. Ability to obtain Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Certification within thirty-six (36) months of appointment and maintain valid US&R certification while employed with City of Alhambra are required as conditions of employment.
Physical Demands
Ability to push, pull, drag, grasp, lift and carry items and work at shoulder level with hoses and other items weighing 75 pounds or less and drag or carry victims as needed. Position requires ability to sit, stand, walk and run on slippery and uneven surfaces; kneel, crouch, twist, reach; lay dry and charged hoses; carry, raise and lower a variety of ladders; work from ladders while carrying equipment; rappel down elevated areas; climb stairs, ladders and incline while carrying equipment; work on rooftops, multi-story buildings and at various heights; ventilate roofs; rescue injured persons from hazardous areas by assisting, carrying or dragging the victim(s); climb over walls, fences, through windows; crawl through confined spaces and conduct searches. Additionally, the position requires the ability to use a variety of hand and power tools and equipment such as rotary and chain powered saw, sledge hammer, shovel, pick, hoist, axe, rope, hydraulic rescue tools, pike poke, prying tools, rubbish hooks, hose line and bundle, fire extinguisher, air bottle and breathing apparatus. Incumbents performing first aid and paramedic tasks may also be exposed to human injury health hazards to include blood and other bodily fluids/products, communicable diseases and human-borne parasites. When fighting a fire, the incumbent works in a hot, smoky or toxic atmosphere close to flames. Incumbents will also be exposed to extreme noise, wet or damp conditions, grease/oil, fumes, solvents, a variety of chemicals, mechanical and electrical hazards, vehicle hazards and vibration. Incumbents must be able to meet the physical requirements of the class and have mobility, balance, coordination, vision, hearing, sense of smell, and dexterity levels appropriate to the duties to be performed. An incumbent drives a fire apparatus and other vehicles on City business and performs physical activity and labor requiring physical strength and endurance.
Work Environment
Employee works indoors and outdoors. When work is performed outdoors there is full exposure to conditions such as extreme heat, smoke, dust, fumes, wet or damp conditions and odors. Exposure to grease/oil, fumes, solvents, a variety of chemicals, mechanical and electrical hazards, vehicle hazards and vibration and inclement weather. Incumbents will also be exposed to extreme noise such as sirens, alarms, diesel engines, pumps, power saws and hydraulic tools.
Selection Process
Please apply online at or visit the City's website.
Applicants Must Attach Required Copies Of
- High School Diploma or a GED or CHSPE certificate
- California Paramedic License
- California State Basic Fire Academy certificate
- Current Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) passage certificate
- Valid Class "C" California Driver's License
Applications will be screened for qualifications and appropriate background; and only the most qualified will be invited to participate in the examination process. Successful candidates must achieve a minimum passing score in each of the test components.
Examination Process Will Include The Following
Oral Interview – 50%
Practical Exam - 50% (follows LA County Emergency Medical Services Authority protocols and treatment modalities)
Candidate will be notified by email of the dates and scheduled times of the examination. Appointments will not be changed, modified, or rescheduled under any circumstances. Candidates will be required to pass a City administered pre-employment physical and may be required to pass a thorough background investigation and polygraph examination as part of the Selection Process. Candidates who do not pass will be disqualified and removed from the eligibility list.
Applicants with legal disabilities who require special testing arrangements must contact the Human Resources Department at least five (5) working days prior to the examination date.
The provisions of this bulletin do not constitute an expressed or implied contract and any provisions contained in this bulletin may be modified or revoked without notice.
The City of Alhambra is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Effective January 1, 2013, new members to CalPERS or an agency with CalPERS' reciprocity will be subject to the provisions of the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) and will receive 2.7% @ 57 benefit formula underwhich the employee pays 13.75% as a contribution to the PEPRA plan. Employees who are current members of CalPERS or an agency with CalPERS' reciprocity, or who have less than a six-month break in service between employment in a CalPERS (or reciprocal) agency will be enrolled in the 3% @50 benefit formula. Employees pay the entire 9%-member contribution amount established by CalPERS for the 3%@50 retirement benefit formula and shall be made on a pre-tax basis. The City offers a Section 125 cafeteria benefit plan. The City does not participate in the Social Security System. City paid leave time (sick, vacation and holiday) available in accordance with City policies
For our detailed benefits information, please see the Alhambra Firefighters' Association MOU.
Do you have a High School Diploma or a GED or CHSPE certificate? Did you attach required proof?
Do you have a valid California Paramedic License? Did you attach required proof?
Do you have a valid California State Basic Fire Academy certificate? Did you attach required proof?
Do you have a current Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) passage certificate? Did you attach required proof?
Do you have a valid Class "C" California Driver's License? Did you attach required proof?