London Ambulance Service is delighted to host the team formally known as National Ambulance Response Unit (NARU), which coordinates interoperable capabilities, emergency preparedness, resilience, and response on behalf of all ambulance trusts in England. Through a centrally coordinated approach, we will work together with them and NHS England to support a robust, safe, and effective response to major, complex, and potentially protracted incidents. This role will bridge the gap between education, management and frontline staff, fostering collaboration and communication.
We are looking for a candidate that has experience in influencing and contributing to the development of effective strategies and operational policies to ensure competent and capable frontline paramedics can achieve high standards of clinical care nationally.
We are looking for an inspiring candidate that can lead in developing a robust national curriculum and syllabus, implementing a quality assurance framework, ensuring the standards of education are benchmarked against other educational institutions and work towards formal accreditation of courses. Placing clinical care to the patient at the centre of all we do. This will be in addition to service delivery objectives, such as a strong background in risk management, leadership skills and workforce development objectives.
Other responsibilities include the planning, delivering and evaluating a range of training and development programmes to meet strategic and operational needs of HART teams nationally, working with a wide range of staff – including the Operations team - to identify future training requirements and providing advice on appropriate training provision, and providing advice to other Ambulance Services on improving the quality of training development.
Education is a key aspect of the role. The Education team deliver a wide range of courses that focus on improving patient care during major incident response. They achieve this by designing innovative and realistic training modules that are bespoke to the Ambulance Service.
All modules, whether command or operationally focused, are aligned to the National Risk Register (NRR), which ensures that training opportunities are delivered in priority order and aligned to current risk. The courses are also aligned to current and emerging doctrine such as JESIP, National Occupational Standards and the NARU Command and Control Guidance. Course Tutors are cognisant of the core standards under the NHS Commissioning Board Core Standards for EPRR, which enables Trusts to meet the standard by provision of appropriate educational modules. Our close working with Ambulance Services is fundamental to ensuring modules reflect the needs of the modern paramedic.
LAS as the host organisation support the team with corporate governance and oversight, finance support including financial reporting and budget monitoring, indemnity and insurance provisions appropriate to the delivery of the service, human resource provision including the provision of suitably qualified and experienced staff to deliver the service, information technology and communication support, estate services, fleet services in relation to the national reserve and training fleet, procurement services for items required for the delivery of the service and other services required to ensure the effective day to day operations It is expected the post holder will have a close relationship cross-directorate with the heads of services for these departments.
For further details / informal visits contact: Name: Victoria Ward Job title: Business Manager Email address: