Summary of Role
The post-holder is an experienced Paramedic who, acting within their professional boundaries will provide care for the presenting patient from initial history taking, clinical assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of care. They will demonstrate safe, clinical decision-making and expert care including assessment and diagnostic skills, for patients within the @home Service. The post-holder will demonstrate critical thinking in the clinical decision-making process. They will work collaboratively with the Leads and the whole team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, providing leadership.Paramedics have a key role within both supported discharge and prevention of admission to support individuals to optimise their independence and wellbeing.
· To have clinical responsibility for assessment and treatment planning for adults referred from community as well as active case finding within the Emergency Department and Acute Medical Unit as required
· To work autonomously and in collaboration with all members of the Surrey Downs Health and Care team to deliver a safe, comprehensive and effective service including assessment, care planning, implementation of required care and review of care provision anddeliver expert, specialist service for older people with complex health and social needs who may be benefit from, or who are under the care of, the @home Service for both new and patients already on the caseload
• Carry out proactive holistic assessments to create care plans to help reduce risk of future hospital admission.
=• Demonstrate clinical expertise and act as a professional role model to all colleagues, both internal and external on behalf of SDHC, working as part of an integrated team taking the lead and developing services in line with the needs of the patient
• To ensure that accurate and complete records of care are kept and that your own practice and practice of other team members is compliant with agreed policies, procedures, guidance and legislation in order to deliver effective patient care
• · To coordinate a seamless service through the development of enhanced interdisciplinary team processes and communication, within the @home Service and across the wider Surrey Downs Health and Care whole system.
· To empower patients and carers to make informed decisions regarding their goals and outcomes and the care they will receive to support them to meet theseand collaborate withcolleagues across Surrey Downs Health and Care and within the wider health and social care network to optimise patient journey, care, wellbeing and outcomes.
· To support the development and evaluation of clinical protocols and systems of inter-agency documentation to enhance both continuity and the standards of care.
· To understand and apply the Mental Capacity Act in regard of mental capacity in decision making and appropriate application of Deprivation of Liberty requirements and working with other agencies within the Safeguarding framework.
· To attend meetings as required including deputising for the Leads and Operational Manager as requested.
· To develop close links with the wider community to enhance both care for individual patients and assist in the overall development of integrated care pathways within Surrey Downs Health and Care.
· To attend meetings as required including deputising for the Leads and Operational Manager as requested.
· To participate in flexible working patterns covering extended hours across a seven day service.
· To supervise junior colleagues and assistants
• To undertake holistic clinical assessments of patients referred to SDHC@Home to enable prompt assessment, diagnosis and treatment according to agreed policies, protocols and guidelines.
· To contribute towards single assessment and trusted assessment processes.
• To manage a complex caseload requiring specialist skills and interventions. To ensure the coordination of appropriate input from relevant individuals and services taking account of the degree of acuity, illness and disability experienced, the expressed wishes of the patient and carer and the existence of clinical, social and psychological factors for new and patients already on the caseload
• To promote and implement research / evidence based practice and audit clinical outcomes to inform and lead clinical practice and set clinical standards.
• Ensure that accurate and complete records of care are kept and that own practice and practice of other team members is compliant with agreed policies, procedures, guidance and legislation in order to deliver effective patient care.
• Assess, diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate treatment / interventions and care for patients presenting with an undifferentiated diagnosis.
• Clinically examine and assess patient needs from a physiological and psychological perspective and plan clinical care accordingly.
• Prioritise health problems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgent or emergency situations, including the initiation of effective emergency care
• Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that apply principles of self-care.
• To promote and implement research / evidence based practice and audit clinical outcomes to inform and lead clinical practice and set clinical standards
· Ensure that accurate and complete records of care are kept and that own practice and practice of other team members is compliant with agreed policies, procedures, guidance and legislation in order to deliver effective patient careand that can be shared with colleagues and carers where appropriate.
· To utilise rapid assessment skills to enable a ‘discharge to assess’ model of care within agreed policies and pathways.
· The post holder will be supported to undertake new skills traditionally performed by other professionals e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy; according to clinical need and within agreed competence framework. These additional skills may include for example
· The assessment of equipment for independent living
· Cognitive and frailty screening and assessments.
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Mar 2025